The project
- An AI Benchmark Toolbox consisting of benchmarks, datasets and frameworks for an extensive number of scientific, climate and fusion research cases
- Methodologies and solutions for different classes of surrogate cases for complex simulations, including an open-source model zoo for surrogate models (SMs)
- Hardware-Software codesign for exascale systems, supporting both communities and stimulating their partnership
- Knowledge exchange and community building, by organising training and communication events, between exascale, research software engineering, AI and science communities

Successful project preceding BASE-II, which delivered the first AI for science benchmark suite and shaped the current project to address challenges.

Current progress
BASE-II is driving change for the AI and Exascale community. Learn more about our progress in developing AI benchmarks, increasing AI/HPC convergence, input in Hardware-Software codesign, and community building.

We are proud to be part of an open-source science community. You can find information about our benchmarks, ML models, and links to datasets we used in this research project.

A large part of this project is knowledge exchange and community building. Here you can learn more about our current and future events and register.
Our team
BASE-II team
Our community