BASE-II Work Packages

The BASE-II research program is divided into several interconnected work packages (WP), which will drive a fundamental change in scientific, software engineering, and exascale communities.

WP1: AI for Science Benchmarks

This package will be delivered as a collaboration between STFC and ORNL. The expected contribution will be an extensive set of AI benchmarks. They are going to be organised in themes, covering different scientific domains. Benchmark design will follow best software practices and have exascale scalability as a target.

WP2: AI/HPC Convergence at the Software Level

Leicester, UCL, ANL, & SDSC will work towards accelerating HPC with AI, using surrogate modelling and optimising software. They will contribute by developing software for managing workflows and will be targeting the accuracy of ab-initio simulations as the priority. This work package is connected to WP1 and WP5.

WP3: Hardware-Software Codesign

Led by Cambridge University and University College London, this package will seek to develop a new type of communication and knowledge exchange between scientists and vendors. This will contribute to a better understanding of hardware/software requirements between these groups and the creation of science-inspired hardware designs.

WP4: Knowledge Exchange (KE), Training and Community Building (TCB)

This package contains a series of dissemination and knowledge exchange strategies for bringing communities together and mitigating barriers in communication identified in the BASE-I project. This will include not only the organisation of big-scale training events, workshops, and seminars but also support the upskilling of several research software engineers (RSEs) for communities worldwide. Work will also include supporting activities for other UK, Europe, and USA exascale programs.

WP5: Integration

This package will be used to ensure the integration and testing of WP1-3.
