Pam Slingsby

Pam Slingsby

Pam Slingsby joined UKRI STFC SCD in July 2023, and is the Administration Co-Ordinator for the BASE-II Project. With a diverse background, having worked at the Met. Office performing qualitative analysis on automatic weather station data, to payments facilitation and...
Archit Mantry

Archit Mantry

Archit Mantry is the Project Co-ordinator for the BASE-II Project.  He oversees daily project activities, resource allocation, milestone management and progress monitoring. In his previous role, he successfully managed language translation projects, engaging...
Marion Samler

Marion Samler

Marion Samler is the Knowledge Exchange Co-Ordinator for the BASE-II project.  She is also the Business Development Manager for Scientific Computing (SC), and her primary focus is to build partnerships for SC, develop value propositions and support the extensive bid...

Jeyan Thiyagalingam

Dr Jeyan Thiyagalingam heads the Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) Research Group and the AI for Science initiatives at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) in the UK. The SciML group is one of the premier research...
Paul Calleja 

Paul Calleja 

Dr. Paul Calleja is the Director of Research Computing Services at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab. He obtained his Ph.D. in computational biophysics at the University of Bath. After securing a post-doctoral research...